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Writer's pictureVikram Bhandari

Seeking a New Coordinator

Dear friends and supporters of Widow's Hope,

It has been a while since our last update, and we wanted to take a moment to connect with you and share the latest developments regarding our mission to support widows in India. While we've faced some challenges recently, we remain steadfast in our commitment to making a difference in the lives of these vulnerable women and their families.

A Pause in Progress: Over the past few months, we've experienced a slowdown in our progress due to unforeseen circumstances. Our dedicated coordinator on the ground in India has been unavailable due to personal priorities. We understand and respect her commitments, but this has left us in need of a new female coordinator who can continue the essential work we do. The nature of the role and the community we serve require a woman to fulfill this role effectively.

Prayer for the Right Person: We kindly request your prayers as we search for the right person to take on this crucial role. Finding a compassionate and capable coordinator is our most pressing need at the moment. Please join us in praying for guidance and discernment in this process, as we believe that the right person will play a vital role in the lives of the widows we aim to support.

An Opportunity to Empower a Woman: We are seeking the participation of 5 to 10 individuals who are willing to contribute towards the salary of our on-ground female coordinator in India. To effectively sustain our ongoing projects in India, we must secure a minimum of 300 Euros per month to compensate the woman we intend to employ as our project coordinator. If you are inclined to make a meaningful contribution to support widows in India, we kindly invite you to consider contributing towards the monthly salary of the coordinator. We believe this represents an urgent and indispensable requirement for the continued success of our project.

Upcoming Visit to India: In November, I will be travelling to India after completing a project here in Germany. My visit will serve several purposes. Firstly, I plan to meet with the families we've already assisted, offering them encouragement and addressing any ongoing needs they may have. Additionally, I intend to visit new families in order to assess their needs and determine how we can best support them. Your support enables us to make these visits and provide meaningful assistance to those in need.

Gratitude for Your Ongoing Support: We want to express our deep appreciation for your ongoing support, especially those of you who have committed to donating regularly. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to our mission of creating a lasting impact. Your generosity is truly making a difference in the lives of widows and their families.

A Reminder of God's Provision: Lastly, we want to share an encouraging testimony. During a time when progress in India seemed slow and we felt a disconnect with our projects on the ground, someone stepped in and made a substantial donation. They not only supported our mission but also encouraged us and appreciated the vision God has given us. This reminded me of the words of Abraham to Isaac as they journeyed to offer the sacrifice: "God will provide." And yes, we know God did provide. We believe that God answers and moves in His own time and way, and we trust that He will continue to provide for our mission.

Thank you all for standing with us and supporting our efforts to help widows in India. Your partnership is invaluable, and together, we are building something truly long-lasting.

In gratitude and hope,


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