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WIDOW'S HOPE's mission is to help widows in India become financially independent by providing them regular monetary support and helping them establish micro-businesses and income generation projects so they can become self-sufficient.


Almost all of the women in rural India are still totally dependent on their husbands for livelihood and sustenance. In case of the tragic untimely death of their husbands, their only source of income is cut off. Why don't they get a job? Well, firstly many of them are not educated and have no work experience or skills. And secondly, they don't have the self-confidence to step out into a male-dominated world. All they know is to take care of their homes — cooking, washing, cleaning and so on. They feel vulnerable and weak. It's here where you and I have the opportunity to step in and encourage them with our support and help.


That's why we initially started by giving them monetary gifts so that they could meet their daily needs. But the long-term goal is to empower them by helping them start income generation projects like sewing, knitting & tailoring services, starting small "daily need" shops, food and catering service and even helping them buy their own cars so that they can start a taxi service. The ideas are limitless.


Who needs another charity? We know very well that there are thousands of charities and social works out there that you are probably involved in supporting. And that is good. But there are very few people truly supporting helpless widows in India.  In the past, widows were shunned in India. They were considered a curse and cause of the death of their husbands. If they did not voluntarily burn themselves up at their husbands' funeral pyre they were ostracised and considered outcasts.


You and I have the opportunity to give them back their dignity; their true worth. It is in your power to make them strong and enable them to live their lives with their heads held high. Please help us to empower them to stand up for themselves. Thank you for your kindness and compassion!

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower women to start income-generating projects, enabling them to achieve financial independence and support themselves and their children.

Beautiful Young Girl
Our Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is to ensure widows in Indian society live with respect and dignity through achieving financial independence.

You Have The Choice To Change A Life!

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